Naxos Music Library has free apps for iPhone, iPad, and iTouch at and for Android in the Android Market on your phone. Search "NML” or “Naxos Music Library.”
Download the app to your phone, then set up mobile access. To do this you will need to create a (free) personal account in Naxos Music Library:
1. First, get into Naxos Music Library through the Allen Library’s (or University Libraries’) web page (It will NOT work if you Google Naxos’s generic site).
2. Click on Playlist (in the toolbar under the search box), then click Sign Up (in the Student / Members Playlist bar).
3. On your mobile device, log into the NML or Naxos Music Library app using the personal account that you created. You can browse private and shared playlists or type a search.
Classical Music Library allows you to send track links to mobile devices. (Links are active for 48 hours.) You can also access your playlists. Here’s how to set up a selection on your mobile device:
1. In Classical Music Library, look for a cell phone icon ( "Send-to-Mobile") next to each title.
2. Click on the link to get a “shortlink” to send on your mobile device. (This enables playback.)
3. You can email or text message the link to your device, type it in, or scan it using a QR code (a special barcode readable by smart phone cameras).
4. When listening to audio on a mobile device, you will need a 3G data connection or better. Service is available for Apple iPhone or Mobile Device with Android OS. For more information, see
Need help? Allen Library staff are available to assist!